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  • #43414

    Hi hopefully someone can help me understand the availability of models. It’s possible I’m just missing something.


    When I open the default Scio app, I have about 10 models to select from. When I run my own custom app (still in test/debug) with the provided app key from the sample code I only get about 4:

    Fat, Protein, Milk, and Brand


    First of all, what is Brand? It always seems to return EScio. Second, shouldn’t I have the same models as the scio App or is the app key different from the sample code to the actual scio app? Lastly, when I create a new app/collections in ScioLab will this give me access to whatever models I define/choose?


    Ah, okay so for anyone also confused by this my problem I was mixing up ScioCloudAnalyzeCallback and ScioCloudAnalyzeManyCallback, or rather using .analyze on one vs. multiple models correctly. I was attempting to do it on many, what I needed was to do in on just one.


    I am still a bit confused as to how the APPKEY allows me to get specific models. When I try to fetch models, I don’t get any of the ones I have created in Scio Lab. Currently, I am just specifying the model id manually.


    Hi Mark,


    We have escalated the issue to our software team and will get back to you as soon as possible.



    The Consumer Physics Team


    Hi all,

    1. The applets you see in SCiO app are based on models created by Consumer Physics. The models you see in the your custom app are from your developer account in SCiO lab.
    We have shared some of our models as well, so you can use them in your own app. Please read about it here:

    2. The models you see are from the “hard cheese” collection in your SCiO Lab account. It is a data collection provided by Consumer Physics to all developers as an example, so you can understand how a proper data collection looks like.

    3. When you create an app key, you get access to all the models you have in your account. Note: in the future, we will allow choosing which models are accessed via specific app keys.

    Ayelet and Guy
    The Consumer Physics Team

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Ayelet.
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