Forum Replies Created
KeymasterHi Carlos,
Please note that developing an application is the final stage in the DevKit workflow.
We highly recommend reading the ‘DevKit Workflow Manual’ and ‘Getting Started’ documents thoroughly as well as our online guide (by pressing on the ‘Help’ button).
More information regarding the mobile SDK, you can find here and here.
The Consumer Physics Team
KeymasterHi yorklaw,
Please answer the following questions in order to quickly pinpoint and solve the root of the issue.
Can you provide us with the e-mail address under which you placed the order? You can either send it here or to
Were you unable to login to both the SCiO smartphone app and SCiO Lab Web?
Did you receive a login email from Consumer Physics?
This email was sent to the email account used by the customer to place the SCiO order and may sometimes be found in the junk or spam folders.
Kindly awaiting your reply,
The Consumer Physics Team
KeymasterHi Jasper,
The consumer app is expected to be released in the coming months.
This app will be separated from SCiO lab app, and will offer the mentioned above applets.
SCiO lab app contains by default the ‘Hard Cheese’ collection for training purposes only, as an example of a properly sized data collection.
I hope it’s clear now.
The Consumer Physics Team
March 21, 2016 at 9:06 am in reply to: SCiO to detect illegalities in the sport of table tennis. #2974Ayelet
KeymasterHi Igor,
For products that exist in our database, and if a relevant application was developed, oily substances can be detected.
Three notes should be taken into consideration. First, in order to develop the molecular sensing model and collect the database, access to samples and their chemical composition information will be needed.
Second, SCiO can identify polymers and plastics, but with limitations.
Colors may change the IR spectrum, making it impossible to identify the rubber (for example, many black rubbers are not only black in the visible, but also in IR, so practically they have no spectral signature for SCiO to measure).
Third, SCiO’s detection threshold is 0.1% or above – i.e. anything below a concentration level of 0.1% may not be detected.
In addition, it will most likely be difficult to detect the oily additives if many oil materials were absorbed into the rubber. This requires further research.
The research can be done using our SCiO Development Toolkit (DevKit), which allows users to create models and apps.
Let us know if you have further questions
The Consumer Physics Team
SCiO uses proprietary technology.
Since the device hardware is part of our intellectual property, we typically do not disclose it.
The Consumer Physics Team
KeymasterHi Anton,
SCiO measures the ambient light and subtracts it from the signal. It does not a lock-in amplifier.
A for different angles, SCiO can be held at different angles towards the sample (see image below), but the best practice is to hold SCiO straight, facing the sample.
The Consumer Physics Team
KeymasterHi all,
Thanks for the ideas, they will be transferred to our product team.
The Consumer Physics Team
Transferred to our software team.
KeymasterHi Ye,
The temperature attribute values are automatically added to SCiO lab.
In order to estimate other values, corresponding attributes should be manually defined and the known values should be populated.
We highly recommend reading the ‘DevKit Workflow Manual’ and ‘Getting Started’ documents thoroughly as well as our online guide (by pressing on the ‘Help’ button).
The Consumer Physics Team
KeymasterHi Gerrit,
You can delete a collection by accessing the Attributes tab, under the specific data collection,
then press the ‘Delete’ button on the upper right side of the screen.
A pop up screen will be opened asking you to fill in the first word of the data collection’s name.
The Consumer Physics Team
This reply was modified 9 years ago by
KeymasterHi Gaurav,
Notice that we have contacted you via e-mail.
The Consumer Physics Team
KeymasterHi Rajet,
The mobile SDK expose only APIs which are necessary for using SCiO’s models.
Battery status is actually a good feature. We will add it to the next versions.
The Consumer Physics Team
March 13, 2016 at 1:43 pm in reply to: How does android sdk communicates and store data from molecular sensor model #2930Ayelet
KeymasterHi len,
The answer is yes, this option will be supported in SCiO’s Mobile SDK next version.
The Consumer Physics Team
KeymasterHi Vaish,
Thanks for reporting these issues.
We will transfer the problem to our software team and update soon.
The Consumer Physics Team
This reply was modified 9 years ago by
March 13, 2016 at 1:17 pm in reply to: Login gives AuthenticationNeeded/Bad redirect uri error #2927Ayelet
KeymasterHi Min,
We need more information in order to track the problem:
– Did you use the exact same redirect url path as in the web application?
– Can you provide us with the redirect url path you inserted so that we will be able to validate it?
– Can you please send us your e-mail address here or to our e-mail:
This reply was modified 9 years ago by
This reply was modified 9 years ago by