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  • in reply to: MDMA #2583

    Hi John,


    1. Confidence level value will be available in future versions.

    2. Currently the samples and scans you collect for application development are your proprietary data.

    The data collection is located in cloud based environment and you cannot access other developers collections.

    However, once an application is developed, it can be published by SCiO developers and purchased via the app store.





    in reply to: MDMA #2578

    Hi John,


    Generally speaking, illicit drugs can be identified using SCiO. However, an important factor to be taken into consideration are the concentration levels of the components within the drugs, as SCiO’s detection threshold varies by material, and is typically 0.1%-1%, and thefore unable to detect any components which are below its 0.1% detection threshold.

    Please also note that SCiO is NOT a medical device and should not be used as such.


    We have proven feasibility for pill differentiation with our pharmaceuticals application. However, we have not developed an illicit drug database and do not plan to do so in the foreseeable future. There is a vast combination of substances that can be present in various drugs and in order to build a working model an almost endless database of illicit drug combinations would need to be built. Moreover, if the substance were in a compressed powder form, it is quite possible that SCiO may miss the active ingredient if that part of the sample wasn’t scanned.


    As with all potential applications, feasibility testing would need to be completed along with development of the corresponding molecular sensing models and a corresponding app.


    To develop such an application will require a complete sample collection – which we will not be able to supply. Such an application may be developed by you, the developers community, using our SCiO Development ToolKit (DevKit).



    The Consumer Physics Team


    in reply to: Android SDK Questions #2573



    Using the Android API, scans can be sent to analysis.

    However, adding scans to a collection is done only via SCiO lab mobile application.



    in reply to: spectrum api #2572

    Hi Tom,


    SCiO mobile application allows you to collect and view the spectrum of samples.

    SCiO web application allows you to create model and evaluate its performance.

    The Mobile SDK allows you to create a corresponding application, based on the model you have created.

    Can you elaborate what is the specific need which is missing?



    The Consumer Physics Team

    in reply to: Scan export #2571

    Hi Otto,


    In fact this is the only additional feature that the Researcher Kit provides.

    The raw spectra can be downloaded as CSV or JSON file.



    in reply to: Problem to sync Scio to my Iphone 4 #2569

    Hi Enrico,


    The problem was transferred to our software team.

    We will keep you updated!



    The Consumer Physics Team



    in reply to: Managed (.NET) SDK #2567

    Hi all,

    We don’t have current plans to support a Unity SDK.

    However, we will consider this suggestion when prioritizing features in the future.


    The Consumer Physics Team

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Ayelet.
    in reply to: Scan export #2566

    Hi shivak,


    This feature is only available for SCiO Researchers via SCiO Researcher Toolkit.

    If you would like to upgrade, please contact us at



    The Consumer Physics Team



    in reply to: Maize Silage (Moisture vs Dry Matter) #2562

    Hi Kes,


    Your suggestion is of great interest to us and for other SCiO users.

    SCiO has shown promise in estimating moisture levels as well as protein content and other nutritional values of various vegetables, grains and plants.

    Keep us posted!




    The Consumer Physics Team


    in reply to: analsing petrochemicals #2559

    Hi Ozan,

    SCiO can detect many solubles in solutions, as well as different kinds of alcohol liquids and attributes such us purity. This is an interesting direction that justifies development efforts, either by Consumer Physics, or by a SCiO DevKit developer’s community, including yourself.

    As SCiO is currently designed for the scanning of solid samples and in order to provide the best quality measurement of the special optical characteristics of liquids – a liquid sampling accessory (available in the near future) will be required in order to sample.



    The Consumer Physics Team

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Ayelet.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Ayelet.
    in reply to: Problems adding scans #2552

    Hi all,


    This bug will be fixed in our upcoming version.



    The Consumer Physics Team

    in reply to: Trying to get a True/False element answer from a model. #2549

    Hi Den,


    Generally speaking, a properly sized collection to provide meaningful results or analysis should include no less than 40 different samples and have 3 scans per sample (or more or less depending on your samples and your needs).


    Can you share what is the desired model you want to create? Would you like to classify 3 different pills?

    In this case, less than 40 samples is enough.



    The Consumer Physics Team

    in reply to: Analyzing a Liquid Sample #2548

    Hi all,


    Please note that the analysis of liquids requires a liquid accessory to provide the best quality measurement of the special optical characteristics of liquids. The liquid accessory will be available in our online store by the end of Fabuary.



    The Consumer Physics Team

    in reply to: amount of sugar in the product #2547

    Hi all,


    For food products that exist in our database, and if a relevant application was developed, the total carbohydrates content is detectable using SCiO. Currently, our applications include nutritional values of various fruits, vegetables and dairy products. As our database expands we plan to introduce other food related apps such a drinks, meats, fruit ripeness and more.


    If you would like to know the total amount of carbohydrates in a specific food, you will need to know its total size or weight, similar to other nutrition measurement apps, as measurements will be provided by serving size and/or 100 grams.


    As mentioned, SCiO is a learning device. The values that should be populated in the database should be based on chemical analysis  conducted by laboratories, rather than based on the product label values.



    The Consumer Physics Team

    in reply to: Collaboration between Developers #2546

    Hi Otto,


    In case of cooperation between researchers, copying and merging collections are possible with the help of our software team.



    The Consumer Physics Team

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Ayelet.
Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 250 total)