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We are undergoing some difficulties during the liquid accessory production process, hence the delays.
We will keep you updated.
Matching data that was taken by different devices is a complicated task.
At this point, our database does not support spectra created by any spectrometer besides SCiO.
We of course are aware of the many advantages that the usage of existing data has, but as we want to make sure that all the data is as accurate as possible, we prefer not to use any uncontrolled data at this point in time.
KeymasterHi John,
The confidence level value calculation is high prioritized task for our software team.
As for sharing the database: before the application development, scans may be shared with others by asking us to copy the data from your account to other accounts. In addition, access to the raw spectrum is possible using the Researcher kit.
I hope that answered your question.
KeymasterHi Jaewoo,
According to our records, your account is active. Please contact us at and specify what is the problem.
The Consumer Physics Team
KeymasterHi yedaoxiang,
Please see the answer under ‘Stock Collections from Consumer Physics’ post.
The Consumer Physics Team
KeymasterHi yedaoxiang,
Please see the answer under ‘Stock Collections from Consumer Physics’ post.
The Consumer Physics Team
KeymasterHi Yedaoxiang,
The attributes values should be based on known values, either taken from the product label or chemical analysis results.
SCiO is a learning device, it should be populated with the known values so that the machine learning algorithms can be applied in order to create a model.
The Consumer Physics Team
Roger is right.
For further details please contact us at
The Consumer Physics Team
Exporting the raw spectrum requires Researcher account.
If you would like to upgrade, please contact us at: and we will provide you with further details.
The Consumer Physics Team
KeymasterSCIO can detect pesticide residues of fruits and vegetables?
SCiO’s detection threshold varies by material, and is typically 0.1%-1%.
The typical concentrations of pesticide residues are much smaller than 0.1%. Therefore, SCiO may not support the detection of pesticide residues.
KeymasterDear Anthony,
First, we would like to clarify that we are still collecting and improving the database for our models.
As a policy, Consumer Physics does not share the raw scans of the samples, but will have an API to the molecular sensing models we will make from those samples.
As for SCiO v1.1, We understand your frustration, and will be happy to send the v1.1 free of charge to you and other developers that had just recently received SCiO v1.0 . We plan to ship around the beginning of May.
In addition, we would like to clarify the applicability of models built with SCiO 1.0 for users of SCiO 1.1. We have gone through significant engineering efforts to provide full backwards compatibility with the release of SCiO 1.1. This means that any model built with SCiO 1.0 is applicable to users of SCiO 1.1, with the same level of accuracy. In other words: if you built a successful model with your SCiO 1.0 devkit, users of SCiO 1.1 will be able to use it. Your Devkit is not obsolete and can you continue to use it to build models which will serve the whole community of SCiO users: both 1.0 and 1.1.However, please note that only one version of SCiO can be used in a single collection when creating a model and collecting data – either 1.0 or 1.1.We are committed to continually improving our products, and our customers expect us to continue innovating and delivering better products over time.As we continue innovating, backward compatibility is very important to us. We will naturally strive to continue releasing improved versions of the SCiO, but as we do this we will continue to ensure that work already done by our developer community remains effective for newer models of the product.We are sorry for the misunderstanding and feel free to contact us if you have further questions.
The Consumer Physics Team
KeymasterHi FunnBoiled,
Indeed the data should be taken from proper labs who have access or can identify pure samples.
Notice that as some substances in drugs may be found in a compressed powder form, it is quite possible that SCiO may miss the active ingredient if that part of the sample wasn’t scanned.
As with all potential applications, feasibility testing would need to be completed along with development of the corresponding molecular sensing models and a corresponding app.
Let us know when you make some progress with collecting your database, we can review your data collections and give you some feedback and recommendations.
The Consumer Physics Team
KeymasterHi Yannick,
1. SCiO should be calibrated using its cover, as always.
2. You can dip SCiO into the liquid while it is covered with the accessory, make sure you fill the liquid up to the mark.
Let us know if you need anymore help.
The Consumer Physics team
This option is currently not available. However, your suggestion has been transferred to our product management team and it may be available in the future.
The Consumer Physics Team