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  • in reply to: Export into Excel (or similar) #3429

    Hi James, The downloads of raw scan data are only available at Researcher level.

    in reply to: Charging to develop? #3417

    Hi Palmer, I don’t find the charge unreasonable, it is after all a one off and not recurring.

    My reasons are these:-

    a) The Lab software, both PC and Smartphone have to be funded from somewhere, I don’t think that there is enough fat in the SCiO device cost for that.

    b) Some developers will hope to make money by charging for their App, so CP will get no direct benefit – merely a reflected glow of any success.

    c) Other developers are making private Apps for their own businesses, and may be expected to support the Support.

    best … Roger

    in reply to: Scanning workflow #3409

    That is exactly what I would do!
    Remember to scan each tomato three or four times in different places, as the light penetrates a bit and the inside of a tomato is complicated.
    If you have a refractometer you could measure the brix value of juice (it should work, even given the cloudiness).
    I hope you like tomato soup!

    in reply to: What about Alcohol? #3282

    So Omar – we can claim a defense that it was just the vinegar on our fish and chips?  🙂
    I am eagerly awaiting the liquids scanning aid, so that I can see what discrimination SCiO has between ethanol, methanol, acetic acid, acetone and water.

    in reply to: Additional scanning aids #3170

    Hey Ayelet, what is the latest news on the liquids accessory?
    I keep expecting you to want my money for one!
    I tried different white porcelain pots, but they add too much variation unless I use the exact same pot each time.

    in reply to: SCiO V1.1 !!! #3146

    Thanks jdchapplesokol
    I have always found CP to be helpful.

    in reply to: Invalid Scan Error #3136

    I take it that you have checked that the lens is clean and dry?

    Is the problem happening with the Lab App or the Consumer App or both?

    May I suggest that you make two check scans:-

    a) With SCiO Lab App: Keep the SCiO in the calibration holder, and scan the calibration surface, but as a normal scan.
    b) Open the new Consumer App: Under painkillers. Use the solids sampling cup, with a paracetamol.

    If these two still fail to give a valid scan you should email Dev for help.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by rejsharp.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by rejsharp.
    in reply to: SCiO V1.1 !!! #3115

    Paul, I suggest that you talk to CP about it directly.
    The Forum is fine for us to exchange ideas, but not so good for getting issues resolved.

    in reply to: MDMA #3107

    I would like to add my support to John’s request for a method of sharing the collections, where co-workers can add their scans, but not be able to change the attribute set. It would need an additional Attribute of “Contributor” so that the extra scans can be easily QC’ed.
    Only the Collection owner and Support should be able to add Contributors.

    in reply to: Deleting a collection #3090

    Note that the entry of the first word is case sensitive.

    in reply to: Stock Collections from Consumer Physics #3069

    Hi yedaoxiang!
    I am really sorry, but you are not giving enough information about what you are trying to do.
    a) Are you trying to make a new collection featuring apples?
    b) What is your objective?

    c) Do you understand how to set up a new collection.

    d) Do you understand what value attributes need?
    – you must have numerical values to enter?


    Maybe an example would be good.
    If you wanted to create a collection on sweetness of fruit it could be very simple.

    First attribute could be Fruit type (mandatory string from List) – here you enter the fruits you want to test.
    Maybe apple, pear, grape

    Second attribute could be sugar content (mandatory, value, concentration %.

    – you would need a method of determining the exact sugar content – a $25 refractometer would do it.

    Third attribute could be sample ID (mandatory string) – here you would enter a unique ID per sample.

    Fourth attribute maybe a Notes field (not mandatory string)


    After creation of the empty collection, buy a lot of different fruits (no more than three of the same type from any one shop)

    Start scanning, and during each sample squeeze some juice for the refractometer to get the independant sugar content reading
    (I would cut the apple in half, and use half for the scanning, an half for the juice.)

    In this way you will build up a collection of scans for different sweetnesses.

    When you have a lot of scans you can create the model based on sugar content to see if it works.


    is this helpful?

    I might even add an attribute for whether I was scanning the skin or the cut surface.

    This is just an example – as I am not sure what you really want to do, or what point you are stuck at.

    in reply to: Stock Collections from Consumer Physics #3067

    Hi yedaoxiang!
    I am rally sorry, but you are not giving enough information about what you are trying to do.
    a) Are you trying to make a new collection featuring apples?
    b) What is your objective?

    c) Do you understand how to set up a new collection.

    d) Do you understand that value attributes need you to have values to enter?


    Maybe an example would be good.
    If you wanted to create a collection on sweetness of fruit it could be very simple.

    First attribute could be Fruit type (mandatory string from List) – here you enter the fruits you want to test.

    Second attribute could be sugar content (mandatory, value, concentration %.

    – you would need a method of determining the exact sugar content – a $25 refractometer would do.

    Third attribute could be sample ID (mandatory string) – here you would enter a unique ID per sample.

    Fourth attribute maybe a Notes field (not mandatory string)


    After creation of the empty collection, buy a lot of different Apples no more than three of the same type from any one shop

    Start scanning, and during each sample squeeze some juice for the refractometer to get the independant sugar content reading
    (I would cut the apple in half, and use half for the scanning, an half for the juice.)

    In this way you will build up a collection of scans for different sweetnesses.

    When you have a lot of scans you can create the model based on sugar content to see if it works.


    is this helpful?

    in reply to: SCIO's problem #3056

    Only Researcher backers can get the raw reflectance data.
    It is not helpful to most people.

    in reply to: Stock Collections from Consumer Physics #3055

    Hi Yedaoxiang:-

    I am sorry but your questions are very unclear.

    I have no idea what you mean about “orange” whilst you are displaying the attributes of a cheese collection.
    Orange can mean a fruit or a colour, and has little do with cheese.


    Can you say clearly what you are trying to do?


    You cannot download the raw spectra unless you have a Reseacher licence. Most people will NOT find the raw spectra helpful.


    Consumer Physics provide the Cheese collection as an example. You can copy the structure to a new collection and make your own either for cheese, or by changing the attributes for other materials.


    The advantage of cheese and similar dairy products is that you can use the values from the nutritional information on the wrappers. This is good enough to learn the ideas, but totally bad for a real model – because those values will be rather inexact.


    in reply to: SCiO V1.1 !!! #3047

    Omar: – May I suggest that you post an email to CP.

    I did.

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