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  • #1684

    I have been using the SCiO for a while now and making new discoveries daily.  It appears that scanning distance affects the spectrum.  This makes sense to me.  The suggested distance of a blueberry away from the material can produce a light that is large for small samples.  After CP advice and experiments I found that scanning on a black eyeglass cloth works well.  I want a way to make this distance consistent…

    In a prior thread I wrote that I had created a “holder” for my samples by virtue of a 3d printer using ABS plastic.  This had the result of “seeing” more of the plastic than my sample.  A discussion of water salt solutions resulted in my knowledge that an individual compound reacts with water so much as to effect the spectral graph.  In order to create a model, samples would need to be created and scanned at many different concentrations.  You can’t scan pure h2o and pure salt and use math to find the concentration in a mixture.  I get it with this example of water…


    Thats the background.


    My question now is what if the mixture is with compounds that do not interact.  Does the same issue exist in a mixture of sugar and salt?


    Could my 3d printed gizmo work if I could scan the ABS plastic and “subtract” the ABS spectrum?


    :unsure: :unsure:   :unsure:


    This is an interesting problem…
    I think the main question is if the SDK allows you to perform this kind of modifications. To make a measurement with your 3d gizmo only , and then use it as a “blank” an automatically subtract it from all the other scans.
    I haven’t received my scio and software, so I can not test it, but since you have, maybe you could play a little bit with the SDK and see if there is this possibility (and then tell the rest of us!)

    If the software is capable of this kind of processing, then the next step is a small experiment: Scan something more complicate than salt (lets say an aspirin) on black eyeglass cloth, then scan you plastic holder empty (so to have a spectrum to subtract) and in the end the aspirin inside the plastic holder. If in the SDK you can make the subtraction, we will be able to see if the idea works!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by sakrelaasta.
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