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  • #2252
    Max 6552

    I am working on methods for online or offline detection of the amount of water present in a mixture with vegetable oil, where in some conditions emulsion may develop. Have you run experiments on oil, oil/water mixtures, emusions etc.? In case you have not tested yet such materials, do you conceptually envisage SCIO could be useful for the mentioned purpose? Besides, it should better operate offline, as mentioned in a separate post.Thanks and regards. Max 6552


    Hey Max!
    Thanks so much for contacting us!
    The analysis of liquids requires a liquid accessory to provide the best quality measurement of the special optical characteristics of liquids. This product will be released in the near future.
    As for your specific request:
    Two processess/models are involved: Classification and Estimation.

    Classification between water+oil (emulsion), pure oil and pure water seems to be feasible with relatively high accuracy.
    Estimation of water content in the solution, might be more difficult due to higher risk error, yet should be feasible as well in a certain level of accuracy.

    As for offline mode, The current versions of SCiO and the SCiO mobile application do not have the functionality to save or store your scans until WiFi or an internet connection is established. Therefore, scanning while offline is not possible at this time. However, we too see the potential of such a feature and are likely to add it into future versions.

    Please let me know if additional information or clarifications are needed!



    I am also interested in a similar application. Let’s say I want to determine the amount of water and ethanol in gasoline. Based on your feedback, it will be feasible at >1 vol.% right?



    The analysis of liquids requires a liquid accessory to provide the best quality measurement of the special optical characteristics of liquids. This product will be released in the near future.


    Do you have any more details on this device? How will it work? When will it be released?





    Hi Rich,


    The liquid accessory will be available in the upcoming months and will be provided along with an FDA approval for food safety.

          The accessory will be placed over SCiO, similarly to SCiO’s cover. Users will be able to dip SCiO into the liquid and keep it from getting wet. In addition, using the accessory, the effects of transparency and reflection from the liquid ‘s surface will be eliminated



         The Consumer Physics Team

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Ayelet.
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