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  • #2341

    Can you make publicly available few SCIO acquisition examples,  including plain raw data? It would be really a big plus for people interested to developing apps and algorithms.

    I have in mind some food-based applications, but I would like to “taste and crunch” some data coming from SCIO to check if such a nice tool is the right one…Moreover: does the SCIO app support (private) cloud for acquired data upoload, as well?



    I just received my 3 units and attempted to do my first scans into the Hard Cheese Data Collection.

    The scans seemed to be recorded well, but on the mobile app I am unable to rename the scans. They seem to be hard coded as “SAMPLE1”.
    Also, I can’t seem to be able to pull them up on the mobile app. They are all listed, but when I touch them on my smart phone screen, nothing happens.


    Please disregard. I see that all the editing is done on the site, not on the mobile app.



    Hi Luigino,

    Unfortunately, we are not supporting private clouds at the moment. 

    Also, we do not share raw data samples. This feature was available using the Researcher Development Kit, however it is no longer available as it was a limited time offer via our Kickstarter campaign.




    The ConsumerPhysics Team 


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