Developer Terms and Conditions The Development Molecular Sensing Models Suggestion on improving the Online Guide

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  • #2238

    In section “Create a model” => “Feasibility testing”, a new concept called “matrix” was introduced together with scatter plot and variance without any description/explanation. For non-technical developers, it may cause them wonder what is that matrix? how to calculate it? when/why to use the matrix or the scatter plot? how to convert between those two?…

    Also, I consider those steps such as “filtering, preprocessing, evaluating and testing model performance” are essential for SCiO developers. Therefore, it needs a separate illustration video  to describe those iterative steps to developers.




    Hi Khoa,


    Thanks for the note.

    We are planning to include some new information in our online guide and we will take your note into consideration.



    The ConsumerPhysics Team

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Ayelet.
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